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Investigate Trip Moments

My mom and I had to take a quick trip to Des Moines to deal some stuff, and on the way there, we got see some beautiful fields, and houses.
We went to Hoover State Office Building, which was very impressive, with wide spaces inside. Also driving up, there was this amazing building with this, golden dome, which was the highest point. I recently discovered it's the historical Iowa State Capitol building, I think. You can see a reflection of it in the windows of the Wallace State Building. Close by is the Holocaust Memorial, which is significant, and sad to acknowledge.
We didn’t get to make it over there except to get close while looking for a place to park, but maybe in few months, we’ll find some time to go check both the memorial, and the building out. That would be fascinating to see.

Different Types of Communities

There are all kinds of different communities, groups of people who share some commonality, something that connects them. Here are some examples I’ve been thinking about, out of great many all over.
Since people have seen all kinds of benefits from down-sizing, tiny homes have been gaining popularity. With time, communities have been coming together, where groups of people who’ve come to change their lifestyles, out of circumstance, and/or choice.
Communal workplaces are another unique example. Places where groups of people: artists, entrepreneurs, and/or freelancers, can come work alongside one another is fascinating to someone like me. One can even be inspired by those around them.
These are just are some of the ways people have built inspiring communities in the present and future, both to work and co-exist. Who knows what will happen if we all find different, creative ways to live.

Working with Junk Journals

We’re getting started on mixed media projects now, going with junk journals in the beginning. My public library is working with me, setting up classes so all those interested, can work together to learn.
The first class was on the covers of our journals, and there were two kinds of them for those in the class to work on. We could use cardboard or cereal boxes to cut out, or use old books, and cut out the pages. This last session will be on working on the pages, and putting the book together. We also have a lot of interesting things to put into, and on the pages.
It was an interesting experience, setting up the classes, and working on the projects with everyone, and I believe that there are always ways to make things different, maybe better too. It's nice to see our groups come together.
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