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Showing posts with label Drama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drama. Show all posts

A New Book Turned Into Movie

This amazing new story has become a Netflix series. It looked amazing, and the song in the trailer was awesome, so I looked into both. The story in the book is slightly different than the series, and the song is “Fall with You” by Emma McGarth.

I was able to find the eBook version of the original story and seems to be a little different than the Netflix series. When I first read it, I was a little disappointed with the ending because it felt so unended. Maybe I'm just so spoiled on happy endings. 

I enjoyed watching the Netflix version, it was amazing, and the actors were amazing. I managed to find an interview with some of the main characters, and I'm going to post it here.

Life Throws Us All Kinds of Curves

The First of January was insane, we had a major change of plans. Sometimes, it's hard to go with the flow. First, you can get excited for an adventure, but then reality hits your plans. I’ve always enjoyed road trips, but they can be really hard on the budget, especially in the future, after you use your credit, and you end up overcharging a lot.

So, we had to go the doctor’s in Iowa City the first of the month. I was looking forward to that, until I realized I wasn’t going to have as much as the month before. Getting to the city wasn’t that bad, but the University parking was crazy as usual. All of that went pretty smoothly, and the hospital had Pepsi, and chips in the vending machine, so I was good. It’s what happened after, that through us for a loop.

We were supposed to keep lunch inexpensive, and we were trying to find a good place for waffle fries. But the place that I looked up on DoorDash was permanently closed, so that was disappointing. We ended up settling for Subway, which wasn’t terrible. After that, we were supposed to have only two stops. Chong’s, the Asian store, and Walmart, for my favorite brand, and blend of coffee.

The Asian store wasn’t that bad, I was able to find most everything we needed, including some good ramen for my sister, and some chopsticks. For me, I just needed a key ingredient for my miso soup, and Mom wanted some coconut water/juice. Next, we went to Walmart, but when I went in, they didn’t have what I was looking for, even though I checked the website. So, mom took me to three different places, until finally we found a Walmart close to Burlington that had it, in Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

Needless to say, we were pretty tired when we got home. I don’t usually regret what do, or get, but I have a habit of regretting the choices that put us in hot water. I really need to control my spending habits. There’s a phrase I’m looking for, but I can’t place it right now. Anyway, the start of February seems to be coming down, in a good way. I’ve been working on video projects, and my blogs, while doing house work. Imbolc passed by, and I made an interesting dinner, inspired by what I read. There’s been some warm days, so maybe the cold front will end soon, and next month will hopefully be better.

A Different Perspective for This New Year

A lot of the time in January, the days can start off cold, foggy, and seem off, but give it some time and, the sun can try to make an appearance. What could seem like a complete disaster, could shape up to be not bad, even awesome.

There have been a lot of moments this month, the first of the new year, where it’s felt like a seesaw, one moment things are pretty hard, and then they are looking up, and the next day, you get some news that tries to bring you down again. I guess we all need to try and keep an open mind and maintain a balance of some kind.

A New Style for a New Year

Starting this new year, I'm going to be working hard on making things different. I know I don't write and post as often as I want, but I'm working really hard on changing that starting now. I've been getting really inspired and going to start using that as motivation for my many projects.

This blog has a new template, and hopefully a new style. For now, I'll keep writing about the things that interest me, but all video's will be posted on my other blog, please go my storylines page for further information.

I do have a couple different blogs, and that's because I have so many ideas I want to share, and there are so many awesome, incredible templates that I want to use to showcase them. From my favorite movies and tv series, to my adventures when I travel. Not to mention all the different styles of cooking I like to try.

Books into Movies and Series: Jenny Han

Two different series, based on two different books, but all by the same author, Jenny Han. The first time I ever heard of this author, was when the Netflix movie, To All the Boys I've Loved, came out. After I watched the first movie in the series, I loved it, and I was hooked.

Then, I saw the trailer for, The Summer I Turned Pretty, I was intriqued, especially by the fact that the book series was written by the same author of the Netflix movies. After I watched this new series, I was addicted yet again by the stories this writer created.

I love that the main character is a female, not sure of herself, trying to figure herself out on her own terms. I think that’s awesome. I also like that in the movies, both characters are portrayed by actresses, who are not just your usual brunettes.

Road Trip to Doctors and to Find Coffee

We had another road trip today. To me, these are always an adventure, because we can go somewhere new, and different, if just for a day.

Today, we had to go to Coralville for a doctor's appointment. I did a little research, and found they had a Walmart Supermarket, and they carried my favorite brand, and roast coffee, Coralville also had a Traders Joe's!

We got started by grabbing something to eat at Hy-Vee, and coffee and tea at Starbucks. After that, we started driving for a long couple of miles. A lot what we saw was open, wide fields, valleys, and hills, from West Burlington, to Danville, and to New London.

When we finally reached Coralville, we stopped by their Walmart, and it was a mega store, way more wide, and fully stocked then the one I usually go to. And I was able to find my coffee of choice, YAY! After that, we headed to the University of Iowa Medical Center. After we parked in the large, dark garage, I went to Trader Joe's, which was right across the street, very convenient. I looked around, and finally found some amazing nut butters, with out soy, corn, wheat, or peanuts, which was impressive. There was also some good flat bread, and amazingly, some black garlic.

The doctor's visit was long, but afterwards, we went to Red Ginger, and had some sushi, and miso soup, and onion soup on the way home. It all was incredible! All in all, the trip was long, and the day was tiring, but everything ended on a pretty good note. Next time we go, we'll be better prepared, so here's to next time.

One More Road Trip Turned Upside Down

My last road trip was a crazy road trip/adventure. We packed up and headed to Columbia, Missouri, and the car drive was pretty nice, with fresh hot Starbucks, and open roads, filled with beautiful scenery.

We got started around seven in the morning by getting the essentials first: gas, breakfast burritos, and did I mention Starbucks coffee; and then we started driving till we go to US-24 Hannibal, Missouri. After that it was smooth sailing for a good long while, here was a lot of hill valley, lots of little farms, some goats, and lot of black cows, probably of the Angus variety.

We stopped at this gas station in the town, and I spotted on of my favorite ice cream bars, along with some awesome Pepsi and Coca Cola soda options. After refueling, we hit the road again. We drove further south through Stoutsville, MO. While going through Paris, Missouri, we saw the public library, which was a beautiful building. We finally got to Columbia, but there was a little mix up with were we need to go, but did find other places we needed to be, and wanted to go. The area was a little confusing, being an industrial area, but it was still pretty nice. 

I got go by Best Buy, and as I was looking for a charging cord for my mom, I was able to look around a little, and I got a question I've had for a while answered. I've been thinking about getting a camera for my blog, and other projects in the future, and I'd believe it will be a Sony Alpha, probably the Sony A6400, or better.

Before we started on the way back home, we were able to get another Starbucks coffee, and gas for the car. It was a little easier going home, and we still saw some pretty scenery. When we got closer to home, it was such a relief to recognize the landmarks, and places. So, now that it's over, it'll be interesting to see where we can drive too next.

1960s: Jet Age and Cold War

A part of aviation history, the Jet Age was the beginning of the turbine propelled airplanes, that were able to make transcontinental and intercontinental flights faster. By the 1960’s, there some pretty amazing things happening in the world.

The period drama, Pan Am, named after the originally founded as Pan American Airways, the series gives us a sense of what that era was like, through the eyes of the main characters, a group of young stewardesses, and two pilots. We see them jet around the world, and experience some pretty incredible events, such as Kennedy’s speech in Berlin, all the way to the aftermath of his unfortunate assassination.

Through their traveling, one of the stewardesses, is working for an agent of the CIA, as a courier. During this time, the Cold War was making life even more difficult for several people. The Kremlin in Moscow were very suspicious of the Americans who stayed there, due to the tension of the geopolitical issues, of The United States and the Soviet Union, in Russia.

Now switching gears, we start tracking the backstory of Katarina Rostova, a character from The Blacklist, a thriller of gotten pretty into. Katarina’s father was a member of the KGB, and he had trained his daughter from a very young age, as an intelligence officer, meaning she gathered all kinds of knowledge from different sources, until she turned into a double agent for another group in the story.

The Blacklist: Another Thriller I’m Obsessed With

Like some of my other series, I got started on this one by finding a video on YouTube. I was just surfing, looking for something interesting, and possible romantic, when I found this one video. The characters looked interesting, so I looked up the trailer for The Blacklist, and it seemed a little promising.

I saw the premiere promos before, and I thought it might be twisted, so I didn't start watching at first. Now, I started watching on Netflix, just to test the waters, and I became hooked. The beginning was awesome, and the longer I watched, the further down the rabbit hole I went.

Starting with the pilot episode, Raymonde Reddington heads to the FBI, to “surrender” to them, when in truth he offers an incomparable deal, starting with the name of a notorious criminal, who was believed dead. The one caveat, Reddington will only speak to Elizabeth Keen. A new agent, and profiler, Keen gets yanked out of her world, and into one manipulated by this man, and his Blacklist.

Issues Today and What it Takes to Be Heroic

There are so many issues these days, it’s hard to separate the heroes and the villains, because it’s not all black and white. There is so much hate in the world right now, we need to keep talking, keep fighting, and break down those walls we try to put up.

One unique kind of vigilante, portrayed by our very own Queen Latifah, is from the series, The Equalizer. An exceptionally strong African American woman, who has retired from the CIA, now works to help those who have nowhere to turn to. She uses her guts, and skill set, alongside her friends from the old days, including an awesome Asian American lady, played by Liza Lapira, and her hacker husband, Adam Goldberg.

More recently is the story of an Asian American female warrior, who grew up in Chinatown, San Francisco. Let me pause right now, and tell you I grew up in California, and we went on day trips there, so this setting is somewhat familiar to me, but it also gives us a look into the culture of this area, and community, which makes it even more special to me. This series in a culmination of my favorite things, including Chinese food, martial arts, and romance. This young woman is fighting for her home, family, friends, community, not to mention, saving the world.

When we come across the people in reality who want to hate on people because of differences, or circumstances, it’s important to remember what heroes look like and how we can stand up to them. So, you tell me, what makes a hero today?

Going Forward in the Story: 1x06-08 T@gged

Continuing where we left off, I’m getting back to finish the video series I was edited, for my favorite moments. Starting with T@gged, an interesting thriller I discovered a while back, I hope to be able to post more videos, and share some awesome moments from my favorite storylines.

After finding, and rescuing Elisia, the girls, plus Ash, try to figure out what happens next, considering there still a timer set. Hailey starts losing it with all the pressure mounting up. While thinking she’s meeting Ash, she falls into a ditch, right next to the dead body of the girl in the video that started everything.

Now, the girls wrestle with telling their secrets, in order to trust each other figure out what this “Monkey Man” wants from them. Please keep checking in to see more.

Check out more series storyline videos in the link above in the menu. I'll be posting more videos and clips soon.

Through the Early 1810's: Starting with Bridgerton

On the streaming series, Bridgerton, starting in 1813, Great Britain was under the reign of Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz and King George III (also known as Mad King George). In the series, Queen Charlotte was the face of the crown, she was the one who debutantes presented to, and Her Majesty was presented at various events for the royal family.

They King and Queen had 15 children in total, 13 of whom survived to adulthood, two of whom were future British monarchs, George IV, and William IV; as well as Charlotte, Princess Royal, who became Queen of Württemberg; Prince Edward, the father of Queen Victoria; and Prince Ernest Augustus, who became King of Hanover. Early in King George's reign, Great Britain defeated France in the Seven Years' War, becoming the dominant European power in North America and India. Further wars against revolutionary and Napoleonic France from 1793 concluded in the defeat of Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.

Fashions of the Period

The fashion style between 1813 and 1815 was inspired by the classical antiquity, modeled into the high-waisted neoclassical silhouette, increasingly broken by trim, colors, and a new angularity as the tubular skirts were gradually replaced by triangular versions. I focus on the women, because I am a woman, and their clothes always fascinate me.

First was the shifts, or chemises, that were meant to protect the rest of the undergarments from the body’s perspiration. Corsets were necessary, yet unbelievably uncomfortable, made with whale bone, and tightened to give women a more feminine figure. And then a petticoat, which was a layer between the women’s clothing and underwear.

Clothes worn inside the home was called the morning dress, and lacked a whole lot of decoration, and was modest, simple, and hopefully comfortable. While, evening gowns were meant to be seen at parties, and were styled with more colors, accessories, and embellishments.

The classical influence extended to hairstyles. Often masses of curls were worn over the forehead and ears, with the longer back hair drawn up into loose buns or Psyche knots influenced by Greek and Roman styles. Here are some videos of modern versions of the styles I’ve been inspired by. This is just a small sample of the period, and culture in the early 1810’s.

"Bridgerton" in the Timeline

The new series on Netflix, based on a series of books by author Julia Quinn, is a period drama and is awesome. I have read the first four books of the series, and I loved the storyline. After watching the series, it is pretty different, but also pretty incredible too.

While several young women are making their debut into society, in order to find suitable matches for marriage, a society paper, kind of like a gossip column (a little like Gossip Girl), premiers as well, a tell-all about the Ton, a reference used during this time period, a term commonly used to refer to Britain's high society during the late Regency and the reign of George IV, and later. The first season focuses on Daphne Bridgerton, the eldest daughter, and fourth in an exceptional large, loving family, and her finding love with the Duke of Hastings, Simon Basset, portrayed by Phoebe Dynevor, and Regé-Jean Page.

Capturing Authentic Moments

Based loosely on the Regency period, in 1813 London, the show gives a glimpse at some fashion, and culture of this era. Starting with fashion, I recognized the empire dress, a silhouette also from Pride and Prejudice. This one of my favorites, because of the slim, elegant look, even on slightly small forms, was inspired apparently by the neoclassical look, meaning a simpler and elegant style of women’s fashion. Corsets were also in style, and while these were beautiful in design, they were probably not as comfortable, back then in history, or present for the actresses who had to wear half corsets for the show, while the bloomers were a little different.

While women were meant for extraordinarily little, we see in both the books, and the Netflix version, that they were a force to be reckoned with, and had ways to manage any situation they found themselves in. Particularly in the social seasons, the mothers were a driving force, for their sons and daughters.

How much of all this is historically accurate, the creators left some wiggle room, but did a lot of research to show a truly inspired period of time, and an incredible story. The first season was amazing and I’m excited to see what happens next.

Working on Sharing More of My Favorite Moments: T@gged 1x05

Been having trouble posting on YouTube, but so far Vimeo is working out well, and I'm also using MixDrop, and Userload now. I hope these don't these for anyone interested in my videos.

The night before, Jake and Rowan spend the night together. The next day, Rowan and Hailey figure out who knows where Elisia is. Ash helps the girls find, and rescue her, and they tell show him the video.


Loosely Based on the Books, Starting with Riverdale Mentioning

Several series have been returning to their networks, including Riverdale, and Nancy Drew. These are two of my favorites, but now, one of them maybe reading for its series finale, which always makes me sad.

Last season of Riverdale was somewhat epic, beginning with the actor Luke Perry, and his character, Fred Andrews, who had died, which was sad. It also kind of mentioned two series which we have heard of. Jughead starts attending a creepy prep school, where there is a competition to be the next ghost writer for the Baxter Brothers, a book series franchise. Moving forward, this sounds an awful like The Hardy Boys, especially when you add another character, Tracy True, into the mix. The season ended with Jughead, Betty, FP, and their half-brother, and Jughead’s grandfather, solving a horrific secret, and series of murders, surrounding this empire.

The Real Nancy Drew

Season two has finally released its first promo, and it looks even spookier, and mysterious. There’s a new sheriff in town, and Nancy and her friends are dealing with a scarier entity that wants payback, probably literally.

After re-watching the first season, I saw something near the end that caught by attention. Lucy Sable had her baby, and after giving her to the Drew’s, she went over the bluff to her death. While we all thought she just slipped off the cliff or jumped, what if she saw something that freaked her out, and she stepped back. At the end of the first season finale, Nancy had a vision of her being scared of something and falling backward on the bluffs, maybe just like Lucy.

The Hardy Boys Makes Their New Debut

On Hulu, we see a new version The Hardy Boys. It looked interesting, so I gave it a watch. It looks a little different than the actual books, or older series, but in the end, it was incredible series, and I hope there is another mystery for them, and their friends to solve.

Like Riverdale and Nancy Drew, the boys are hit by tragedy when their amazing mom, is killed in a car crash with suspicious circumstances. So, their dad packs the boys up to stay with his sister in their hometown, where their maternal grandmother nearby. A throwback to what their used to, the brothers deal their loss, figuring out their mom was murdered because she was looking into something going on in town, dealing with the old families and a mysterious antiquity. Frank and Joe Hardy have deal with thieves, assassins, and a bunch of other crazy people all after one thing. After all that, with the help of their family, and friends, they solve the case, and save their new home.

It was amazing, but there are still some unanswered questions. Hopefully, this means a new season will come forward in the future. I love when they keep those doors open.

Original Reading Material: When Calls the Heart

I have been inspired to challenge myself to do some actual reading. I watched the pilot movie, When Calls the Heart, with Poppy Drayton, and Daniel Sherman, two of my favorite actors, and I wanted to see if the original story matched with the movie, and tv series.

I started reading the actual book, not just an epub file on my phone, but an actual paper bound book from the library. It was hard to get into the story, partly because the names get mixed up in my head. Elizabeth was the name of the protagonist in both the series, and the movie, as well as her aunt. In the show, Julie was her youngest sister, and she had an elder sister too. So, in the first book series, they are talking about the aunt, I think. So confusing.

The story starts out with Elizabeth talking about her family and giving kind of a run down about them all. It’s interesting the different types of writing styles. I’ve always wanted to work on my own stories and put them out there. Reading has always been both enjoyable, and a learning tool for me, in so many ways. This experience will hopefully help me again.

Getting to Share Your Work + T@gged Favorites 1x04

After Elisia is taken, Rowan and Hailey need to solve the clues given to them in order to find her, and now someone is getting closer then they know.  Rowan gives as good as gets, right back at Brandon and his crowd.

Vimeo is really good place to share my videos so far. I hope there enough room for most of what I would like to do. People can also find some of my other stuff on Instagram occasionally.

Publishing Personal Videos + T@gged 1x02+03

I’ve just started to post my own edited videos on Vimeo and YouTube. They first came through really nicely, but they second got snagged because of someone else has copy rights. How do I post the videos of my favorite moments, while not getting in trouble? That is the question. For right now, I don’t have to take the video down, but for those who are having trouble seeing, I backed it up on Vimeo, so check it out.

Rowan, Hailey, and Elisia get messaged a time and place. When they resist going, they get threatened with their secrets coming out. After arriving, Elisia gets grabbed, and driven away, leaving the other to shell shocked.

T@gged Favorite Moments 1x01

I found this one while looking for something new. While searching on YouTube, I saw an edited video about a couple shipped from a web series called, T@gged. I really got into it, so I looked it up. I was able to watch the entire series, in a few days.

Later I edited together some videos of my favorite moments of the storyline, you know the ones you just listen to while doing something else. Rowan, Hailey, and Elisia are all dealing with the stuff in their lives, when they are all tagged in a video from someone shooting a girl.

Binging Series: New and Old

I’ve been waiting for some new series, and season to start up again after the COVID-19 hit, and all productions halted. There have been some cool reruns lately, and I have been going through all my downloads, and Netflix to watch. Some days, I get so into what I am watching, I just binge a whole season, or series, movie after movie. I have also found some other cool stuff to watch.

Recently though, there have been some new movies from Hallmark Movies and Mysteries streaming. Two really good ones that have come out are my favorite. Aurora Teagarden: Reunited and It Feels So Deadly, that was scary good. Aurora and her friends, and new fiancé, Nick, head to her high school reunion, unfortunately where one of the football stars ends up being murdered. It ends up being someone close to them,

In Picture Perfect Mysteries: Exit Stage Death, our favorite photographer is invited to the play of formerly famous screen write, that her friend is in. However, when the lead lady is murdered, Allie Adams feels the need to solve the case, with police detective, Sam Acosta, right behind her.

Both of the amazing detective movies, and just part of what coming now that tv and movies productions are starting to roll again. It is exciting to see what coming next, including a bunch of holiday fun, and romance. I cannot wait to see what is next.

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