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Going Forward in the Story: 1x06-08 T@gged

Continuing where we left off, I’m getting back to finish the video series I was edited, for my favorite moments. Starting with T@gged, an interesting thriller I discovered a while back, I hope to be able to post more videos, and share some awesome moments from my favorite storylines.

After finding, and rescuing Elisia, the girls, plus Ash, try to figure out what happens next, considering there still a timer set. Hailey starts losing it with all the pressure mounting up. While thinking she’s meeting Ash, she falls into a ditch, right next to the dead body of the girl in the video that started everything.

Now, the girls wrestle with telling their secrets, in order to trust each other figure out what this “Monkey Man” wants from them. Please keep checking in to see more.

Check out more series storyline videos in the link above in the menu. I'll be posting more videos and clips soon.


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