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Loosely Based on the Books, Starting with Riverdale Mentioning

Several series have been returning to their networks, including Riverdale, and Nancy Drew. These are two of my favorites, but now, one of them maybe reading for its series finale, which always makes me sad.

Last season of Riverdale was somewhat epic, beginning with the actor Luke Perry, and his character, Fred Andrews, who had died, which was sad. It also kind of mentioned two series which we have heard of. Jughead starts attending a creepy prep school, where there is a competition to be the next ghost writer for the Baxter Brothers, a book series franchise. Moving forward, this sounds an awful like The Hardy Boys, especially when you add another character, Tracy True, into the mix. The season ended with Jughead, Betty, FP, and their half-brother, and Jughead’s grandfather, solving a horrific secret, and series of murders, surrounding this empire.

The Real Nancy Drew

Season two has finally released its first promo, and it looks even spookier, and mysterious. There’s a new sheriff in town, and Nancy and her friends are dealing with a scarier entity that wants payback, probably literally.

After re-watching the first season, I saw something near the end that caught by attention. Lucy Sable had her baby, and after giving her to the Drew’s, she went over the bluff to her death. While we all thought she just slipped off the cliff or jumped, what if she saw something that freaked her out, and she stepped back. At the end of the first season finale, Nancy had a vision of her being scared of something and falling backward on the bluffs, maybe just like Lucy.

The Hardy Boys Makes Their New Debut

On Hulu, we see a new version The Hardy Boys. It looked interesting, so I gave it a watch. It looks a little different than the actual books, or older series, but in the end, it was incredible series, and I hope there is another mystery for them, and their friends to solve.

Like Riverdale and Nancy Drew, the boys are hit by tragedy when their amazing mom, is killed in a car crash with suspicious circumstances. So, their dad packs the boys up to stay with his sister in their hometown, where their maternal grandmother nearby. A throwback to what their used to, the brothers deal their loss, figuring out their mom was murdered because she was looking into something going on in town, dealing with the old families and a mysterious antiquity. Frank and Joe Hardy have deal with thieves, assassins, and a bunch of other crazy people all after one thing. After all that, with the help of their family, and friends, they solve the case, and save their new home.

It was amazing, but there are still some unanswered questions. Hopefully, this means a new season will come forward in the future. I love when they keep those doors open.


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