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Dealing with Anxiety While Waiting

We all have been self-isolating for a couple months now, and right about now, the stress maybe starting to get to some of us. Now is the time to get creative and get started on something for yourself. Work on a project, clean out your house of the clutter, or get out of the house, and explore something new. 

It has been a slow time coming, for life to return to a new normal, if that is the right word. Right now, there has been a gentle reopening of stores, and salons in the area, while other large businesses around the world have keep their doors closed. Our church has started to resume worship, with some groups gathering inside, as well as its live streaming.

For as long as it takes, we still need be vigilante, work together to stay as healthy as possible. Working together is the only way we are going to the other side, and hopefully beat this pandemic, once and for all.

Somethings Just Getting Started

One of the interesting things that draws me into a series, or a storyline, is the beginning of a relationship, especially a couple that is just getting started. Seeing how they come together is part of the fun.
These are two examples that I have in mind. On GH, we have Michael and Willow. After Willow had her baby, and he was delivered to his adopted parents, Michael was dealing with Nelle, the mother of his child, when they got into a car crash. Willow’s baby dies, and Nelle manipulates Brad, on the adopting fathers, to switch the babies. So now, both Michael and Willow are dealing with loss. We see them meet, and deal with their feelings, and how they end up connecting with each other. Enter Chase, and then Sasha. Then all four become friends, and then the baby switch is revealed. Now, Michael is working on being a father and giving his child the best life, while Nelle is attempting to take their son, and have him all to herself. Willow still loves the little boy she thought was hers, and it pulls her towards Michael. Chase and Sasha want what is best for their loved ones, and child that keeps them connected. Another bomb is about to drop, on top of life changing choice that Chase and Sasha made, and it may bring together Michael and Willow, in a very unconventional way.

The other example is Kara Danvers and William Dey on Supergirl, an unexpected, yet somewhat predicted duo. Both reporters, both wanting justice, and going after the infamous Lex Luthor. Kara once had a great love, but fate had others plans. After a long time, she has been riding solo as one of fiercest female heroes. She is also a person, and a kick-ass, beautiful one at that, so why shouldn’t we see her paired with someone equally awesome, even if they are not wearing a suit. Even if William does not fit quite as we hoped, this opens the door for Kara to finding that special someone.

All these characters are just starting in these relationships, so it is somewhat early for any criticism. We just have to wait and see what happens next and enjoy all the interesting moments.
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