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1960s: Jet Age and Cold War

A part of aviation history, the Jet Age was the beginning of the turbine propelled airplanes, that were able to make transcontinental and intercontinental flights faster. By the 1960’s, there some pretty amazing things happening in the world.

The period drama, Pan Am, named after the originally founded as Pan American Airways, the series gives us a sense of what that era was like, through the eyes of the main characters, a group of young stewardesses, and two pilots. We see them jet around the world, and experience some pretty incredible events, such as Kennedy’s speech in Berlin, all the way to the aftermath of his unfortunate assassination.

Through their traveling, one of the stewardesses, is working for an agent of the CIA, as a courier. During this time, the Cold War was making life even more difficult for several people. The Kremlin in Moscow were very suspicious of the Americans who stayed there, due to the tension of the geopolitical issues, of The United States and the Soviet Union, in Russia.

Now switching gears, we start tracking the backstory of Katarina Rostova, a character from The Blacklist, a thriller of gotten pretty into. Katarina’s father was a member of the KGB, and he had trained his daughter from a very young age, as an intelligence officer, meaning she gathered all kinds of knowledge from different sources, until she turned into a double agent for another group in the story.

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