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Local Art and Artists in Burlington, Iowa

There are a lot of undiscovered places, and things to do, right here in Burlington, Iowa. I've lived here for a few years now, and I've seen a few places downtown, but I haven't really had the chances to experience more of it, until now hopefully.

Let's start with the Burlington Art Center on Jefferson Street. They not only have an amazing store, filled with pieces, made by local artists, but there is also have an amazing lounge area, complete with a piano. There are scheduled nights when the gallery lounge is filled with both pictures, paintings, and live music. One can come in to see the pictures, and even hear the music for free, but it is encouraged to get a drink at the very least, and they have water, and soda, along with wine and beer.

When went in today, I found the lady at the store was very friendly, and helpful with my questions. Apparently, they show different style of pictures, paintings, and photography. When an artist would like to show their work in the gallery, a panel reviews the art, and decides if they will showcase them, that was impression of how she explained this.

There were some types of art they haven't at the Art Center, yet. Artists like origami artists, or art installments, like you see in other galleries. But in the future, who knows what different type of art will be featured there. And coming soon there will be an art competition, known as Battle of the Brushes. Let's see what these artists have to show!

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