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Everything That’s Been Going On This Spring

I’ve been a little lazy in my writing lately, so allow me to catch up with everything that’s happened around me lately. A lot has been going on, and I’ve even experienced some new stuff as well.

Spring is a time of cleansing, and renewal. For me, it’s also the time when the weather warms, for me to get my hair redone, and to get ready for some awesome things to come, like the farmer’s market here in town. There was some other stuff I didn’t expect, but we’ll come back to that, maybe.

We finally got rid of my broken frame, and by laying my futons on the floor, I can fold them up each day, and really get working on my room. It already looks so much better, although I did run into an unexpected problem. I’ve been trying to sort through all of my stuff that I want to work on and all of my projects. But I think I need to just get rid of a lot of the dead weight that’s been holding me back, and start fresh.

I got my hair redone, cut and colored, and I’ve done some pretty new, and interesting things this summer, it’s just hard to get back to work, and I’m trying to get that mojo back, starting now. 

Farmer's Market This Year

One of the things I’ve been looking forward to this year is the farmer’s market, downtown. I love seeing, and walking down the stalls, and hearing this saxophone player, and smelling all this incredible produce, baked goods, and other stuff.

It’s been a little tricky, keeping the budget straight, when we try and go, every Thursday, but we managed to make it work for most of the months that it’s been going on. That’s because it’s always worth it.

Road Trip to Doctors and to Find Coffee

We had another road trip today. To me, these are always an adventure, because we can go somewhere new, and different, if just for a day.

Today, we had to go to Coralville for a doctor's appointment. I did a little research, and found they had a Walmart Supermarket, and they carried my favorite brand, and roast coffee, Coralville also had a Traders Joe's!

We got started by grabbing something to eat at Hy-Vee, and coffee and tea at Starbucks. After that, we started driving for a long couple of miles. A lot what we saw was open, wide fields, valleys, and hills, from West Burlington, to Danville, and to New London.

When we finally reached Coralville, we stopped by their Walmart, and it was a mega store, way more wide, and fully stocked then the one I usually go to. And I was able to find my coffee of choice, YAY! After that, we headed to the University of Iowa Medical Center. After we parked in the large, dark garage, I went to Trader Joe's, which was right across the street, very convenient. I looked around, and finally found some amazing nut butters, with out soy, corn, wheat, or peanuts, which was impressive. There was also some good flat bread, and amazingly, some black garlic.

The doctor's visit was long, but afterwards, we went to Red Ginger, and had some sushi, and miso soup, and onion soup on the way home. It all was incredible! All in all, the trip was long, and the day was tiring, but everything ended on a pretty good note. Next time we go, we'll be better prepared, so here's to next time.

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