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Church Community Coming Together

Our church has worked together to convert an old building in town into our place of worship. We've gotten a lot done, and we've finally been able to go in and have worship, and it looks amazing.

The building used to be the old Hawkeye Newspaper, but we were able to buy it and convert it for our church, and when we first saw the building, it looked abandoned, and kind of sad.


Ever since we it got fixed up, we've had worship there, and even potlucks and it feels awesome to have a space just for us now.


A New Book Turned Into Movie

This amazing new story has become a Netflix series. It looked amazing, and the song in the trailer was awesome, so I looked into both. The story in the book is slightly different than the series, and the song is “Fall with You” by Emma McGarth.

I was able to find the eBook version of the original story and seems to be a little different than the Netflix series. When I first read it, I was a little disappointed with the ending because it felt so unended. Maybe I'm just so spoiled on happy endings. 

I enjoyed watching the Netflix version, it was amazing, and the actors were amazing. I managed to find an interview with some of the main characters, and I'm going to post it here.

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