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Showing posts with label GH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GH. Show all posts

GH Storyline: 2018 Baby Switch

Recently, I’ve looking back at what happened to Wiley, and how everything got started, beginning with Willow Tait's baby being delivered to GH to his adopted parents.
Michael Corinthos was dealing with Nelle Benson, the mother of his child. Willow’s baby dies, and Nelle manipulates Brad Cooper, one the adopting fathers, to switch the babies.

Getting in the Swing of Fall

Moving into autumn, there has been a lot going on. Between everything going on with the elections, and voting, and working on our home upkeep, and going back into time, watching old episode videos on Youtube, there has been a lot going on in my head.

Working on the hope that it is becoming more routine, I have done some added exploring on different subjects, based on living life, inspired by a lot of what has been going on around us. Now that we are about to hit October, and Halloween at its end, there’s some more interesting events coming, mysteries and drama included.

Speaking of, take a look at some of the special series, and videos on Netflix. High Seas has a third season, with rumors of four, but that remains to be seen after that ending. Another really good one is Enola Holmes, based on the book series of the same name, it tells the tale of the sister of Sherlock Holmes, starring Henry Cavill, and Sam Claflin as Mycroft Holmes, their eldest sibling. Wonderful, incredible stories, full of promise, and a possible option for Halloween watch party. Here’s to more series and mysteries to come.

What’s Going on GH

Since General Hospital continued in the start of August, there has been a lot going on. Starting from when Nina was giving her testimony, which ended with Michael, and Willow Corinthos winning custody of Wiley. Then, During the Nurses ball, which became a tele-a-thon, for first line workers, Nelle used Julian to kidnap Wiley.

In the race to get Wiley back and safe, Nelle and Carly had a confrontation, which ended with Nelle falling off a cliff. Wiley got home safe, and Michael and Willow connected, which has not been easy for Chase and Sasha.

After all that we had to say goodbye to a beloved character. Mike Corbin has finally come to an end, due to pneumonia caused by his Alzheimer's. It has been a prolonged farewell, and sad, but in a bittersweet twist, his daughter Courtney came to get him. RIP Mike, we’ll miss you.

Working Progress So Far

Lately, I've been work on how to make by blog better and trying to figure out what to write has been a lot harder. These last couple of months, some stuff has happened some good, some bad. Working through what life throws at you can be a challenge, especially when it's something you never thought would be tossed at you.
Among the main staples that have keeping me sane these last few months is Instagram. I like seeing the stories, and videos, and reading the post. Seeing the different perspectives has been interesting, and I like to see new things, and learn. Sometimes we see and hear things that make us uncomfortable, but we need to be able to face them because they are happening, and to people just like us.
One of the other things that has been part of my routine is General Hospital. This serial drama has been pushing me forward and has been giving some time frame throughout the days and weeks in the month. A lot of the time, I can get so caught up in the storyline, that everything else flies by, so that is something I need to work on.
With all that has been going on, I’m trying to keep a steady routine, not easy, but necessary. I’m going to continue writing, and hopefully post more frequently to my blog on what’s been going on the last couple of weeks.

General Hospital Resumes Production

For some time, we heard that GH had held up production of new episode due to coronavirus, but they did say they would begin soon. When they finally started spreading news of resuming in August, we knew that things would be different, there would be a lot of safety precautions, and probably a lot less interaction in certain scenes.

Today was the first new episode since, they ran out. It was somewhat epic. And the scenes with one of prominent partners, wasn’t terrible awkward either. I feel it shows a great deal of success in the future episodes despite all the extra work.

Somethings Just Getting Started

One of the interesting things that draws me into a series, or a storyline, is the beginning of a relationship, especially a couple that is just getting started. Seeing how they come together is part of the fun.
These are two examples that I have in mind. On GH, we have Michael and Willow. After Willow had her baby, and he was delivered to his adopted parents, Michael was dealing with Nelle, the mother of his child, when they got into a car crash. Willow’s baby dies, and Nelle manipulates Brad, on the adopting fathers, to switch the babies. So now, both Michael and Willow are dealing with loss. We see them meet, and deal with their feelings, and how they end up connecting with each other. Enter Chase, and then Sasha. Then all four become friends, and then the baby switch is revealed. Now, Michael is working on being a father and giving his child the best life, while Nelle is attempting to take their son, and have him all to herself. Willow still loves the little boy she thought was hers, and it pulls her towards Michael. Chase and Sasha want what is best for their loved ones, and child that keeps them connected. Another bomb is about to drop, on top of life changing choice that Chase and Sasha made, and it may bring together Michael and Willow, in a very unconventional way.

The other example is Kara Danvers and William Dey on Supergirl, an unexpected, yet somewhat predicted duo. Both reporters, both wanting justice, and going after the infamous Lex Luthor. Kara once had a great love, but fate had others plans. After a long time, she has been riding solo as one of fiercest female heroes. She is also a person, and a kick-ass, beautiful one at that, so why shouldn’t we see her paired with someone equally awesome, even if they are not wearing a suit. Even if William does not fit quite as we hoped, this opens the door for Kara to finding that special someone.

All these characters are just starting in these relationships, so it is somewhat early for any criticism. We just have to wait and see what happens next and enjoy all the interesting moments.

Going into Spring 2020

Starting now, the weather has been warming up, the snow is no more, and the birds are singing. From March, and going into April, there’ll be some new changes, including some interesting new looks and fashion styles to explore.

Different series will be having some season finales, and before long new seasons will start up. There are also some good Hallmark movies coming out to for the season, so it’ll be interesting to see and watch what happens. I’m hoping to work on editing some videos to start posting, but I’m not going to get any hopes up.

I will be sharing more about traveling via bicycling, and all the interesting sites where I’ve called home for a long while, and so many other interests hopefully.

Going into Autumn (Fall)

The whole of October has gone by so fast. The first part of the month, I've been binging Cable Girls, and other series with some of the same actors, one of my favorites is Blanca Suárez, cast as Lidia Aguilar. Another series is The Boarding School, it's Spanish title is El Internado, also El Barco, The Boat in English.
Now, there have been some crazy Halloween episodes. Two examples are Riverdale, and General Hospital. In the last part of the Riverdale, the Halloween episode, we see Jughead laying on an morgue table, while in GH, Nikolas Cassadine is alive, and I believe is behind trying to take down Valentine. 
It's just one crazy month, for a lot of series, old and new. Scary, and horror mixed in with everything else, drama, mystery and romance.
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