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Working Progress So Far

Different kinds of people with different perspectives is awesome.
Lately, I've been work on how to make by blog better and trying to figure out what to write has been a lot harder. These last couple of months, some stuff has happened some good, some bad. Working through what life throws at you can be a challenge, especially when it's something you never thought would be tossed at you.
Among the main staples that have keeping me sane these last few months is Instagram. I like seeing the stories, and videos, and reading the post. Seeing the different perspectives has been interesting, and I like to see new things, and learn. Sometimes we see and hear things that make us uncomfortable, but we need to be able to face them because they are happening, and to people just like us.
One of the other things that has been part of my routine is General Hospital. This serial drama has been pushing me forward and has been giving some time frame throughout the days and weeks in the month. A lot of the time, I can get so caught up in the storyline, that everything else flies by, so that is something I need to work on.
With all that has been going on, I’m trying to keep a steady routine, not easy, but necessary. I’m going to continue writing, and hopefully post more frequently to my blog on what’s been going on the last couple of weeks.

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