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Social Connections Through Physical Distance

For a long while now, all over the globe, people have had to keep a fair distance from each other to stop the spread of the COVID-19. Friends, and families have had to stay apart, no visiting, or getting together for long periods of time. And yet, we have been able to find new opportunities to communicate and stay connected with each other.
It has also given us a chance to find others, people we would not have gotten to know otherwise. It has given us all the opportunity to explore friendships through social media, instant messenger, and video chats. For some, it is all so different, and exciting, and sometimes we just stumble upon meeting people by mistake, and come out finding true relationships, hopefully.
During this time, people have been experiencing each other differently. Getting to know each other is a unique experience in some ways. Personally, talking to someone face to face is a challenge, people can get off subject, and you can still listen. When you are messaging with someone, you need to be able to focus on the words to really understand what someone says, while with video chats, you have to keep facing the person, focusing on their face.
Truly, at this period, I do not know if these experiences will help us stay connected. I guess we will see what happens when we all get the chance to have that first physical meet and greet.

This World We Now Live In

It has been a while now since the coronavirus has spread around the globe, and it has changed just about everything, including the many ways we manage our health in our daily lives, at least for me it has. While being isolated from people, it is also given us a different perspective as well.

For me, it has made me take a harder look at both my general health, but also how it affects other as well as myself, in public. I've been working on a better routine for myself, starting with having a regular exercise workout, and healthy eating habits. I work on keeping clean, including taking care of personal hygiene, as well washing my hands on a regular basis.
Now that physical distance is strictly required, there are different ways to communicate with others, enter social media. We’ve been able to use live streaming, and other mediums in ways we hadn’t before. Churches have been able steam through using Facebook, and YouTube. And friends, and family have been able to video chat, seeing each other.

If one does have to out in public, many have been finding ways to limit the spreading of germs. Quite a few stores have public sterile wipes, and different sanitizers. And many people have been using face masks, some custom and/or homemade ones.
All of this is to help fight the virus that has a firm grip all over the world. However, we as people, have managed to keep going, and have been able to adapt. Hopefully soon, a cure will be found, or the virus will fade into the background. All we can do is keep living our lives.

Dealing with What’s Happening

It’s been difficult for many of us around the world. The coronavirus has changed a lot of our lives, at least for me it has. While being isolated from most people, it's also given us a different perspective. It’s made me take a harder look at both my general health, but also how it affects me outside, in public.

I’m working on discovering what I can do right now, from home, for my physical, and mental wellbeing. There are projects we can do, along with getting the house cleaned and sorted they way that you like. You can go over all your personal papers, and ephemera, try to figure out what you what you want, and what you really need. On the other hand, you can go over all your digital files, and try and make room for everything.

We can even work on improving our regular routines like I’ve been doing. Balancing everything, figuring out what we need to accomplish, and what really want to do. For example, finding time and ways to exercise in the day. Managing any stress and anxiety that can creep in on you, and dealing with it through meditation, and/or prayer.
For example, this individual does her best to get up each day, get tea/coffee and breakfast going, does housework on and off throughout the day, then takes a break and stretches, and works on her computer. Then she takes moments to pray for her loved ones, and all the others in the world, and their loved ones. We all need to deal with what’s happening and manage our lives the best way we can.

Going into Spring 2020

Starting now, the weather has been warming up, the snow is no more, and the birds are singing. From March, and going into April, there’ll be some new changes, including some interesting new looks and fashion styles to explore.

Different series will be having some season finales, and before long new seasons will start up. There are also some good Hallmark movies coming out to for the season, so it’ll be interesting to see and watch what happens. I’m hoping to work on editing some videos to start posting, but I’m not going to get any hopes up.

I will be sharing more about traveling via bicycling, and all the interesting sites where I’ve called home for a long while, and so many other interests hopefully.

Prayer for Nashville and Others in Tennessee

Some time ago, I'd heard about the tornado that hit Tennessee, and the devastation in Nashville. For me personally, it was terrifying to her, because my sister does not live that far from this incredible city. I still have photos from a car ride in Nashville, and it breaks my heart.
I felt a need to reach out, so after I texted my sister, I called a friend of mine from our church, and I told him of what happened, so hopefully, all of us can pray for the loved ones lost, and the ones left behind, and some way, all of us can help rebuild.

Investigate Trip Moments

My mom and I had to take a quick trip to Des Moines to deal some stuff, and on the way there, we got see some beautiful fields, and houses.
We went to Hoover State Office Building, which was very impressive, with wide spaces inside. Also driving up, there was this amazing building with this, golden dome, which was the highest point. I recently discovered it's the historical Iowa State Capitol building, I think. You can see a reflection of it in the windows of the Wallace State Building. Close by is the Holocaust Memorial, which is significant, and sad to acknowledge.
We didn’t get to make it over there except to get close while looking for a place to park, but maybe in few months, we’ll find some time to go check both the memorial, and the building out. That would be fascinating to see.

Different Types of Communities

There are all kinds of different communities, groups of people who share some commonality, something that connects them. Here are some examples I’ve been thinking about, out of great many all over.
Since people have seen all kinds of benefits from down-sizing, tiny homes have been gaining popularity. With time, communities have been coming together, where groups of people who’ve come to change their lifestyles, out of circumstance, and/or choice.
Communal workplaces are another unique example. Places where groups of people: artists, entrepreneurs, and/or freelancers, can come work alongside one another is fascinating to someone like me. One can even be inspired by those around them.
These are just are some of the ways people have built inspiring communities in the present and future, both to work and co-exist. Who knows what will happen if we all find different, creative ways to live.

Working with Junk Journals

We’re getting started on mixed media projects now, going with junk journals in the beginning. My public library is working with me, setting up classes so all those interested, can work together to learn.
The first class was on the covers of our journals, and there were two kinds of them for those in the class to work on. We could use cardboard or cereal boxes to cut out, or use old books, and cut out the pages. This last session will be on working on the pages, and putting the book together. We also have a lot of interesting things to put into, and on the pages.
It was an interesting experience, setting up the classes, and working on the projects with everyone, and I believe that there are always ways to make things different, maybe better too. It's nice to see our groups come together.
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