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Dealing with What’s Happening

It’s been difficult for many of us around the world. The coronavirus has changed a lot of our lives, at least for me it has. While being isolated from most people, it's also given us a different perspective. It’s made me take a harder look at both my general health, but also how it affects me outside, in public.

I’m working on discovering what I can do right now, from home, for my physical, and mental wellbeing. There are projects we can do, along with getting the house cleaned and sorted they way that you like. You can go over all your personal papers, and ephemera, try to figure out what you what you want, and what you really need. On the other hand, you can go over all your digital files, and try and make room for everything.

We can even work on improving our regular routines like I’ve been doing. Balancing everything, figuring out what we need to accomplish, and what really want to do. For example, finding time and ways to exercise in the day. Managing any stress and anxiety that can creep in on you, and dealing with it through meditation, and/or prayer.
For example, this individual does her best to get up each day, get tea/coffee and breakfast going, does housework on and off throughout the day, then takes a break and stretches, and works on her computer. Then she takes moments to pray for her loved ones, and all the others in the world, and their loved ones. We all need to deal with what’s happening and manage our lives the best way we can.

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