Earlier this season, we started baking some apples that we
had in the house. From the second we cut the apples, the smell was incredible, natural,
and sweet, but not overwhelming. As they were baking, the scent changed, but it
was still amazing, and afterwards, they tasted delicious. Maybe it was some
kind of sign of how things would end because everything after that calmed down
a little.
Snow already on the ground, it has been getting colder, there
has just been so much that happened. Between dealing with going court, surgery
for someone close, and holding down the fort at home, it was pretty
overwhelming to talk or write about. In the end though, we can always get
through them.
Halloween came and went bye, while mom and I enjoyed the holiday
quietly, watching movies, some just scary enough. Later, we drove around
looking at the cool decorations at some houses. It was interesting see the
different ways people can celebrate with the social distancing, I practically
like Disney Channel’s star, Chandler Kinney new song, Halloween House park.
Apples are still in as the season goes on, and will change, through autumn till winter. I’m already wondering, how long before the cold turns the rain to snow. I’ve already busted out my long sweatshirts. Here’s to getting better for the rest of this year and dealing with 2021.