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Misadventure Turns to Perspective

Some of us had to visit the University of Iowa Hospital, and is was a unique experience to say the least. I thought businesses in Burlington were cautious, even a little strict at times, but over there, it was insane the screening and protocol. 

First, the place in so complex, it is exceedingly difficult to find the right parking lot, and then, to make it to any appointment is even more challenging. Entering the building, you must get screened to see if you might have the virus, and if don’t have an appointment, they will not let you wait inside. We were lucky that outside, there was a soda machine that took debit cards, and that there was Wi-Fi accessible to us.

Later, our friend was able to get something for us to eat at the cafeteria, but we could not go through the building, so we had to the LONG way around. It had stopped raining, so that was good, but it seemed a lot harder at the time. When we finally made to the entrance, we were able to outside, and they even let us go in to use the bathroom, and go into the cafeteria, where they had two machines that made Starbuck’s coffee. I was surprised, and so happy! Walking back to the parking lot wasn’t so bad after, it gave me time to think of everything that has happened, and how we all have had to adjust with the COVID-19 sticking around.

After all that, we took a short drive to this awesome store, even better than Goodwill, and we found some amazing clothes, and houseware. Downstairs, there were incredible clearance items, I am definitely saving so I can go back. The drive home was peaceful, and I got to think about how the university and the hospital, were working within the new laws, and protocol.
Even though I understand why, it is still challenging when you must adjust to the way things are set up, when you cannot go through buildings to make things easier for example. We all need to examine how things are going to work, and everyone included. That goes for those of us you need to be more patient with healthcare as well.

Keep Talking About Change

Now, we need to get a handle all the other stuff that is handed to us. People have not always dealt with our differences the best way. All of this has come to a boiling point, which has been building over the years. People have been getting hurt, people we may not know, but who are still human beings, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, and children. Whether their black, or Latino, or some other race entirely, everyone needs to be accountable for how we treat each other. We all live on this planet.

With all this going on, we need to stay connected, even from home, and keep talking about how to stay safe, that means keeping healthy, and working to fight injustice and racism. These are my thoughts, on what I have heard, read, and learned. This is my way to speak up, and I hope others do as well.

Spring Turns to Summer 2020

Getting into this time of year, most of us were hoping that the virus would die out, and we could find out way back to normal, or what could pass for it. The weather is warmer, some places are opening again, but we have other things going on we need to take care of. Our health, not just our looks and fashion styles for one.
We need to remember to take care and watch out for ourselves and others. That does not mean we cannot have fun though. Many of us have designed or bought cloth masks for when we need to go out. Speaking of places that are reopening, the YMCA in Burlington, Iowa has opened its swimming pool, as well as other areas for small groups. We go to the pool, and we need to be mindful of large groups, no one crowding. Time to work out and enjoying fitness again. To be able to go exploring when it is this warm out is great, and we get to see nature, and watch the scenery change.
So now, we can keep up with these regulations we have been doing, maybe this pandemic will not hold our lives in death grip, and that will be our new normal.
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