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Keep Talking About Change

Different kinds of people with different perspectives is awesome.

Now, we need to get a handle all the other stuff that is handed to us. People have not always dealt with our differences the best way. All of this has come to a boiling point, which has been building over the years. People have been getting hurt, people we may not know, but who are still human beings, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, and children. Whether their black, or Latino, or some other race entirely, everyone needs to be accountable for how we treat each other. We all live on this planet.

With all this going on, we need to stay connected, even from home, and keep talking about how to stay safe, that means keeping healthy, and working to fight injustice and racism. These are my thoughts, on what I have heard, read, and learned. This is my way to speak up, and I hope others do as well.
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