This month has been crazy, at the same time it's been streaming along. With everything that keeps happening, I've just been working on staying busy, looking forward to a lot of new series, and planning for the future.
Going Forward this Summer
Misadventure Turns to Perspective
Some of us had to visit the University of Iowa Hospital, and is was a unique experience to say the least. I thought businesses in Burlington were cautious, even a little strict at times, but over there, it was insane the screening and protocol.
First, the place in so complex, it is exceedingly difficult to find the right parking lot, and then, to make it to any appointment is even more challenging. Entering the building, you must get screened to see if you might have the virus, and if don’t have an appointment, they will not let you wait inside. We were lucky that outside, there was a soda machine that took debit cards, and that there was Wi-Fi accessible to us.
Keep Talking About Change
Now, we need to get a handle all the other stuff that is handed to us. People have not always dealt with our differences the best way. All of this has come to a boiling point, which has been building over the years. People have been getting hurt, people we may not know, but who are still human beings, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, and children. Whether their black, or Latino, or some other race entirely, everyone needs to be accountable for how we treat each other. We all live on this planet.
Spring Turns to Summer 2020
Dealing with Anxiety While Waiting
We all have been self-isolating for a couple months now, and right about now, the stress maybe starting to get to some of us. Now is the time to get creative and get started on something for yourself. Work on a project, clean out your house of the clutter, or get out of the house, and explore something new.
It has been a slow time coming, for life to return to a new normal, if that is the right word. Right now, there has been a gentle reopening of stores, and salons in the area, while other large businesses around the world have keep their doors closed. Our church has started to resume worship, with some groups gathering inside, as well as its live streaming.
For as long as it takes, we still need be vigilante, work together to stay as healthy as possible. Working together is the only way we are going to the other side, and hopefully beat this pandemic, once and for all.
Somethings Just Getting Started
Social Connections Through Physical Distance
This World We Now Live In
It has been a while now since the coronavirus has spread around the globe, and it has changed just about everything, including the many ways we manage our health in our daily lives, at least for me it has. While being isolated from people, it is also given us a different perspective as well.
For me, it has made me take a harder look at both my general health, but also how it affects other as well as myself, in public. I've been working on a better routine for myself, starting with having a regular exercise workout, and healthy eating habits. I work on keeping clean, including taking care of personal hygiene, as well washing my hands on a regular basis.
Now that physical distance is strictly required, there are different ways to communicate with others, enter social media. We’ve been able to use live streaming, and other mediums in ways we hadn’t before. Churches have been able steam through using Facebook, and YouTube. And friends, and family have been able to video chat, seeing each other.