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Local History & Architecture: Burlington Public Library

I’ve posted on interesting sites in other parts of Iowa, and other states, but I’d like to write about some incredible places right here, in Burlington, Iowa, where I’ve lived for a couple of years now, after leaving California.

One of the first buildings I fell in love with was the public library for a lot of reasons. Last summer, I discovered that the first library is now converted into the Historical Society and I'm going to join sooner or later. Right now, though, I'm learning more about this awesome place we call home, and its own history.

Reading the booklet, the library passed out, I've discovered that in 1868, Senator James Wilson Grimes donated $5,000 to start a subscription library, which is financed by private funds either from membership fees or endowments. Shareholders contributed $10, and those who were unable to join, were encouraged to purchase borrowing allowances for $4 a year. All of this didn't stick around very long, but it was apparent there was a need for having a library in the community.

The People of Burlington

More to Come....


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