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The Rook: Plot Outline

It all starts with a young woman waking up, on the ground, in the middle of a rain pour. Running from the scene, she finds a note in her pocket, saying that if she can’t remember writing this letter, she failed, and that she’s still in danger. After finding a hotel to take refuge, the woman finds an envelope, with a second letter, explaining that she was warned that she would be attacked, and while she would survive, she would lose her memory. She had prepared for the person she is now and is giving her a choice. Two keys, one red that will give her the information to return to her old life. The other is blue and will aid to start a new life. Her past self says she wishes her luck, and that her name is Myfanwy Alice Thomas.
Myfanwy is them attacked while at the bank vault that holds safety deposit boxes. An explosive power is released from her, disabling them, and allowing her to use the red key. Before she can open the other, one of her assailants is about to set off an alarm, so she takes the keys, and the contents, and runs. Inside is a tablet, and a remote key to an apartment that seems to be hers. The tablet holds a video, where she see’s herself start to explain. The video instructs her to a secret room, that will help her understand more. On a computer, past her goes on, saying that she works for a secret branch of British intelligence, an organization known as the Checquy, and that recruit people with abilities, such as herself. She goes on further to explain the titles and roles of herself, and others within the group, like in chess. 
Deciding to go back to her old life, and figure out what the heck is going on, is a difficult decision, especially when she sees how involved she has become to some of the members of the agency. Myfanwy finds yet another letter to herself, telling that while she believes in the organization she works for, someone close to her betrayed her, so she mustn’t trust anyone.

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