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Standing Up to Harassment Today

Different kinds of people with different perspectives is awesome.

There are so many different types of harassment today. From physical, to social, for all kinds of reasons, but none of it is ok. We all need to take a stand against harassment.

Some time back, I saw a promotion, sponsored by Hollaback and L’Oréal Paris, on helping prevent street harassment. The video was uncomfortable to watch, but I knew it was important. Later, I took the time to go through the steps on being harassed and helping others who I believed were. A long while ago, I remember, I was back to my car, and these guys whistled loudly as they drove by, and I remember it made me want to cringe.

Around the time I took the steps to learn more on how to deal with it, I just followed this guy who had started following me, and he just kept messaging me, and for some reason it made me really uncomfortable. I was finally able to tell him to stop, and he did, but I was the second time it happened. Social harassment isn’t like physically, but it can make you feel awful, and it’s wrong.

All of this needs to stop, we need to take a stand, and keep talking with each other. It’s not right how other people can make us feel about ourselves, with attention, with hounding that person, even if they believe it’s flattery, it doesn’t feel good.


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