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Making Memory Journals and Prayers

Lately, I've been working on some projects that I've been putting off because of budget restraints, but I'm hoping to save up to get some projects done. Starting with some my junk journals and going into some other mixed media.

I was able to finally get the cover for my memory book cut and trimmed, and ready for the next step. This is something I've been meaning to to do for some time, in honor of a dear friend, who passed away recently, and it's still sad to think about. I wanted to do this in her memory, to gather some pictures, and things that remind me of her.

I aslo made some "prayer bottles", and travel altars. I found this Altoids box, that I converted into a travel alter, and Idea I got from The Witch of Wonderlust. I also found these bottles that I'm using to put in, and maker prayers with. I picked up some beautiful, and healing, stones that I'm using to help me open my mind and heart.

I've found, with the renewal of my faith, so is my creativity abound. Basically, I've been feeling inspired, both creatively, and in life. Now, I've also been able to reconnect, and find the will and motivation to keep going. Stay tuned for more writing, photo, projects, and videos. And, check out my other blogs, for my trivia, and storyline favorites.


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