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Trip to Tennessee: First Part of the Adventure

Heading to Tennessee, one can see a lot of amazing scenery, buildings, and other structures. We started early, but we did get to see the sunrise while on the road, it was so nice. Later, at a pit stop, we found a Casey’s that had crullers, or pinwheel doughnuts, one of my favorites, and a similar one with cinnamon.
There some interesting buildings, and bridges, as we got further into Illinois, including a close glimpse of the St. Louis Arch, and a great big Ferris wheel. We went under a bridge, where there were some buildings that said Port or something (must do some digging), but it was exciting for me to see.
Driving further on we got to see some more pretty scenery, what I think of are wetlands, or land that was recently flooded. We later stopped a rest area that had an amazing view of a lake, named Rend Lake Rest Area. It was beautiful with a park, a foot bridge, and a gazebo.
One of the last stops we made was to Fort Massac Rest Area, in Metropolis, Illinois. There was a memorial, named Blue Star Memorial Highway, in tribute to the Armed Forces. There was another tribute, one that was a little less significant, since Metropolis was a big part of origin story of Superman. A Superman figure, where you can stand, and take a picture, so funny, I loved it. Doing some reading, I learned there is also a Superman, and Lois Lane statues in Metropolis, as well as a museum, though we didn’t go that far. One day though, that might be fun to see.

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